Master Business Growth with Agency Technology

With every Ad Agency MD/CEO setting a clear Return to Growth agenda for 2022, the business lens moves beyond the discipline of identifying new business prospects as the primary growth driver. Other mechanisms such as acquisition and building branded/integrated capabilities come into play as agencies seek to effectively compete in an environment of constant and rapid change.
Could 2022 be the year in which the business lens applies equally to internal teams and how operations are geared to meeting the ever-exceeding client expectations for creativity, innovation, agility, and service?
A year in which more agencies move and fully adopt an approach that sees the business delivering improved efficiency, effectiveness, resource optimisation versus capacity and margin gain. Could this be achieved by incorporating built-to-purpose agency growth technology in operations?
What if a system can reduce your number of in-house tools, take scattered information, centralises that data, and consolidate it all into interactive dashboards providing real-time data?
With the pandemic having brought new urgency into the process and clients becoming more judicious on spend, agencies need to sharpen their processes. This in turn will streamline work allocation and report generation.
Simplify + Accelerate + Maximise Processes = More Efficiency & Cost Saving.
`New’ data and tools, working harmoniously and collated in dashboard form will deliver the following:
- Illuminate and spotlight blockages
- Alleviate duplication
- Allocate blended resources more efficiently
- Allow for correct charging against procurement rules
- Display a 360 degree of operations
- Real-time revenue projections/tracking on a single client P/L
- Accelerate the creative review cycle
It is an accepted fact that current manual systems coupled to timesheet completion deliver a level of ‘blindness’. New bespoke operating remedies and tools will spark the necessary light.
2022 is the year to adopt a tool that breathes with your agency and its talents rather than tools that attempt to beat your process into submission.